Have you ever wondered how much time and money you lose by not using the right estimate tools in your auto repair shop? Auto repair estimate software might be the solution you’ve been searching for. This powerful tool streamlines your estimating process and helps you manage costs more effectively, ensuring profitability.

Ready to streamline your estimating process? Book a demo now!

Manual and Software Estimation

AspectManual EstimatingEstimate Software
Time ConsumptionTime-consuming, takes away from repairs and customer serviceSpeeds up the estimating process, allowing more focus on repairs
AccuracyProne to human errors, leading to inaccurate pricingReduces human errors, ensuring precise and reliable estimates
ProfitabilityThis can lead to undercharging and lost profitsIt helps avoid undercharging or overcharging, boosting profits
EfficiencySlows down workflow, impacting overall shop efficiencyEnhances workflow efficiency, allowing for more customers
Customer SatisfactionErrors and delays can frustrate customersProvides fast, accurate estimates, increasing customer satisfaction
Record KeepingIt is harder to track and manage estimates manuallyAutomatically tracks and organizes estimates for easier management
ScalabilityIt becomes impractical as the business growsScales easily with business growth, accommodating more jobs

Key Features of Auto Repair Estimate Software

Pre-Loaded Labor Times

The software provides standard labor times for various repairs. It helps you quickly and accurately estimate each job’s time.

According to Gitnux, labor costs account for about 35-40% of an auto repair shop’s expenses.

Parts and Pricing Database

It includes an extensive database of parts and their prices. You can easily add the right parts to your estimates, and there is no need to search for prices manually.

Customizable Templates

You can create and use customizable templates for different types of repairs. It makes the estimating process even faster.

Integration with Other Tools

The software integrates with other tools, such as invoicing, inventory management, and customer relationship management (CRM) systems, to help you manage your entire shop more efficiently.

Quick Adjustments

If the scope of a repair changes, the software allows you to adjust the estimate quickly, keeping everything up to date.

Professional-Looking Estimates

It generates professional-looking estimates that you can print or send directly to customers. It gives your shop a more polished and trustworthy appearance.

According to Scottmax, the U.S. market is a diverse playing field, with less than 10% of revenue generated by the 50 most prominent corporations.

Customer Approval Tracking

It allows customers to approve estimates online. It speeds up the process and reduces back-and-forth communication.

Reporting and Analytics

The software provides reports and analytics on your estimates. It helps you understand your shop’s performance and make informed business decisions.

Other Features in Software

How Does the Software Save Time?

How Does Auto Repair Estimate Software Save Time

According to Global Market Insights, the automotive software market size was estimated at USD 18 billion in 2018 and is poised to register gains of over 15% by 2025.

Here’s how the estimate software saves time in your shop:

Instant Calculations

The software automatically calculates:

  • Labor Costs
  • Parts Prices
  • Taxes

You don’t have to do it manually. This process can be reduced to 5-10 minutes, saving 25-50 minutes per estimate.

Pre-Loaded Data

With labor times and parts already in the system, you can quickly create estimates without searching for information or making calculations from scratch.

Custom Templates

You can use pre-made templates for common repairs, generating estimates with just a few clicks.

Quick Adjustments

If something changes during the repair, you can easily update the estimate in the software, saving time compared to rewriting it by hand.

Fast Customer Approval

The software can send estimates directly to customers for quick approval, reducing the time spent on back-and-forth communication. Automated updates and easy estimates sharing can reduce this to 2-5 minutes, saving 8-15 minutes per interaction.

Automatic Record Keeping

The software stores and organizes all estimates, so you don’t need to spend time filing paperwork or searching for past estimates. Automated data entry and digital records can reduce this to 3-5 minutes, saving 12-25 minutes per job.

Integrated Systems

The software often integrates with invoicing and inventory tools. Thus, you can smoothly move from estimate to billing and parts ordering without extra steps. Assuming 100 repair jobs per month, the software could save you 75-150 hours each month.

How Does the Software Save Money?

How Does Auto Repair Estimate Software Save Money

Here’s how the estimate software helps save money in your shop:

Reduces Errors

By automating calculations, the software minimizes mistakes that could lead to undercharging customers or overestimating costs, helping to save money. By automating this process, shops can reduce errors by up to 90%, saving hundreds to thousands of dollars annually.

According to Worldmetrics, 62% of consumers in the U.S. believe that auto repair shops overcharge for services.

Prevents Overordering

The software tracks parts and inventory. You only order what you need, avoiding excess stock that ties up your money. For example, a 5% savings on parts costs for a shop spending $10,000 per month on parts could save $6,000 annually.

Maximizes Profits

Accurate estimates ensure you charge the right amount for labor and parts and help you maximize each job’s profit.

According to Broadly, 282,637 automotive repair companies are in business nationwide, with 614,433 employees across multiple disciplines. CAGR is projected to hover right around 7% through 2030.

Cuts Down on Paperwork Costs

With everything digital, you spend less on paper, ink, and storage for physical records. Automating administrative tasks can reduce the need for extra staff, saving a shop approximately $30,000 to $50,000 per year on salaries, depending on size.

Increases Efficiency

Faster estimating means you can complete more jobs in less time, boosting your shop’s overall productivity and revenue.

On average, estimate software saves about 15-30 minutes per estimate. If a shop handles 10 estimates daily, around 2.5 to 5 hours are saved daily. For example, if you value that time at $50 per hour, this could save $125 to $250 per day or $37,500 to $75,000 per year.

Avoids Lost Revenue

The software helps you track all estimates and follow-ups. It ensures that no job slips through the cracks, and you take advantage of potential income.

Lowers Labor Costs

Speeding up the estimating process reduces employees’ time spent on paperwork, freeing them up for other tasks and reducing labor costs. It can save shops an average of 5-10% on labor cost discrepancies, potentially translating into thousands of dollars annually.


In today’s competitive auto repair industry, every minute and every dollar counts. By upgrading to auto repair estimate software, you’re not just improving how you create estimates. You’re also transforming your entire business by choosing auto repair software. Why stick with outdated methods when an efficient solution is at your fingertips? Embrace the change, and watch your auto repair shop thrive.


Is the software suitable for small shops, or is it only for larger businesses?

The estimate software is scalable and suitable for small and large shops. Whether you handle a few jobs daily or have a high-volume business, the software can adapt to your needs.

How does estimate software improve customer satisfaction?

The software provides fast and accurate estimates, reducing customers’ wait times. It also produces professional-looking documents that can be easily shared, helping to build trust and confidence in your services.

Can I customize the estimates generated by the software?

The estimating software allows you to customize templates. It also helps to adjust pricing and include specific notes.